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Raymarine's New Radar

Glenn Hayes

Raymarine recently introduced their next generation of marine open array radars, the Cyclone line.

Raymarine has brought the future of radar technology and design to the recreational boater. These sleek solid-state radars are the ideal solution to today’s fast and powerful multi outboard craft.

Image courtesy of Raymarine

Glancing at one of the open array radars, you instantly can tell it is a new and modern design. Sleek and aerodynamic, the array looks more like an aircraft wing than the traditional oval arrays of the past. Built to withstand commercial shipping requirements and 100-knot wind these open array radars still manage to look good with their low sleek profile. They are not just good looking, they perform too.

Image courtesy of Raymarine

These new open array radars boast 60 full sweeps a minute allowing for fast real time tracking. Equipped with Doppler tracking it is now easier than ever to identify safe and dangerous targets with potentially dangerous targets identified in red and safe ones in green. Additionally, they can track up to 50 targets at one time with advanced ARPA. Utilizing CHIRP technology these radars are especially adept at identifying birds at various ranges when in “Bird Mode.” New radar technology also makes target acquisition easy both at close and distant ranges at the same time.

Image courtesy of Raymarine

Available in 3-foot, 4-foot and 6-foot arrays, these radar arrays are also available in a pro series which is 100 watts over the standard line at 50 watts. Paired with one of Raymarine’s Axiom multi-function displays, these radars are performers and are worth considering if you are looking for the next generation of radar technology and design.


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